Related ImageThere is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres. - Pythagoras, 5th Century B.C.
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The BioWaves Mission

Our Mission

We've spent some time thinking about this, and thus far, the best "answer" is simply...

To Help People

We feel that in the bigger scheme of life, the most important thing we can do is be of service to people. Here is a list of some of the groups we considered when deciding our mission... in no particular order.

  • Ourselves
  • Our Customers
  • Our Employees
  • Our World

    and yes, believe it or not... even to people one might consider to be
  • Our competitors.

Now, you might be asking... Do you really do that? Do you really sometimes put others interests above your own?

Yes, but we also try to keep in mind that we will not be able to help others if we are not strong and secure ourselves.

Do you really do this all of the time?

Unfortunately, the answer is no, this is our aim, our mission, and we will continue to strive toward this goal.

An addition word from our Founder:

I have one more ideal that I believe it is important to share.

The concept of Oneness

We are all on this planet together, and the sooner we change our mindset from "me first" to one of oneness where we realize that our actions affect others, and eventually affect ourselves, the better.

It is time we stopped being American's, or White, or Management, or any other grouping that does not identify with the whole. For now, I think we would do well if we could incorporate a world view of humankind, but really I believe the answer to be in the adoption of a personal identification with life, both human and plant, and animal, ... and even alien if alien life exists. (For the record, I do believe alien life exists.)

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