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Yes, you can help us. Regardless of your current situation, we believe that every person in this world has a gift they can offer, from something as simple as a smile, or mentioning this information to someone who might be interested, to donating your time and energy to share your piece of the puzzle.

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Here are a few ideas:

  • Tell a friend

  • Share copies of our informational sound therapy interviews with your family and friends.

  • Add a link to us in your website or homepage Link to Us

  • Help others. We are all on this planet together, and the sooner we change our mindset from "me first" to one of oneness where we realize that our actions affect others, and eventually affect ourselves, the better.

  • Share knowledge or information that you may have that would aid us in our work. Perhaps you know, or have information about someone who as done research in the area of sound healing. For Example, we know that Royal R. Rife and Nicola Testla researched the healing effects of frequencies, but the information we have on their results, tools, and conclusions is incomplete.

  • Write a related article based on your knowledge and experience that helps us further this work.

  • Work for us

  • Donate Money to help support our work and research. Please note, at this time we are not yet affiliated with a foundation, so your donation is NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE.

We are reminded of the movie Pay it Forward where people would give in ways that they could. We hope this list gives you some ideas of things you can do to help, especially in ways that don't cost money.

Thank you.


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An alternative medicine therapy for holistic health and wellness.



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