Medical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drug medicines more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure. - Elmer Lee, M.D., Past Vice President, Academy of Medicine. |
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Sound - An Introduction to BioWaves Sound TherapyThe best way to learn about this new fascinating field of research is to hear from our Practitioners who work with it daily. Listen to Interviews:Listen to the audio version of this fascinating interview of 6 BioWaves Sound Researchers as they talk about their work and the results they have seen. To order a free copy of this interview on a CD, call or send us an email. Read the Transcript of the Interviews:Hi. My name is Al Harris and I'd like to welcome you to an exploration of sound. Specifically we're going to see how it's being used to analyze your body and emotions. I've been a composer and producer most of my life and have always been interested in how music and sound effect people. A few years ago I ran across some software called The Sound Assistant. Basically you talk into a computer for fifteen seconds, then a voice print appears on the screen and you can see various frequencies and energies contained in what you said. The miraculous thing to me is that you can often correlate those frequencies to missing nutrients in your body. This recording contains some information on sound, sound therapy, the sound assistant and toning using your own voice to heal yourself and it's based on a series of phone interviews I had with six sound researchers. To understand the power of sound, how it effects you and how you can use it, you may need to stretch your imagination because it's one thing to know that Einstein said "matter and energy are just forms of the same thing" but it's another thing entirely when you begin to see practical applications of that. It's like entering the world of Star Trek and really considering that we are energy beings. Dr. Mary Albright is a Neurologist who also studied Speech Pathology and Audiology. Dr. Albright, why do you think sound effects us?"Everything physical is composed of energy. Quantum physics has shown us that there is no such thing as solid matter. That there are just waves that interact. So your body is made up of energy and your mind and your soul and your spirit and all those things are forms of energy. We can test the energy of the entire body using the voice because the voice, when you speak, vibrates your whole being. It's not just straight from your throat, out your mouth. It vibrates throughout your body and the energy field around the body. We can determine, by measuring the vibrations that come off of you when you're speaking, what energies are missing and what energies are too strong in your energetic field. Then we can use sound waves to balance that out." How do you use sound for analysis?"If you hand a chemist an unknown substance or a food stuff and you say please analyze and find out what nutrients are in this, they will use spectral analysis to do that. But it uses a different part of the spectrum than what we're looking at. We're using the very lowest frequencies. Basically every biochemical, every nutrient, and so forth, has it's own frequency and when you speak and we measure your voice, if you're missing a vitamin, your body will absorb the frequency of the missing vitamin and it will come up as absent from your voice. So we can look for these energies that are absent from the energy radiating from your body and we can look for what biochemicals are deficient and what biochemicals are in excess in your body's energy." And, as I recall, we're not just talking about biochemicals. You also treated your painful shoulder with sound as well."You know it always seems to hit home a little bit stronger when it happens to you. I had a trigger point in my shoulder and somebody gave me the frequency for the muscle and within five seconds this trigger point that I had had for two years non-stop went away and it didn't come back for almost another two years. I've been able, every time it does come back, to get rid of it using that frequency."
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