It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within. - Albert Schweitzer, M.D. |
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Questions about Sound Therapy TrainingSo, you're ready to find out more about what is involved in becoming a sound therapy practitioner. We've prepared the following information to help you determine if it's the right career choice for you. What other equipment do I need to get started?Essentially nothing except a computer. The SEE Level 1 Multi-Media Home Based Training System will allow you to get started learning the techniques immediately in the comfort of your own home. From there, you can decide if you're ready to invest further. The Sound Assistant package comes with everything you need to start experimenting, including the software, SEE Level 1 Training System and a manual. It is expected that you will experiment on yourself until you complete the training and have the experience necessary to progress. Eventually, you will probably want a pulse oximeter to aid in monitoring a client's response to the sounds. What kind of computer do I need?You will need a Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP, Me, Vista Windows 7 or Windows 8 with a 16 bit sound card and 150 MB of free hard disk space. Basically all computers available today will meet these requirements. How long does it take to go through the SEE Level 1 Training Course?This varies from person to person. We estimate between 4 and 12 hours depending on your background and expertise. Remember you can always go back and review the material at any time. How much money can I make for an assessment?This varies from practitioner to practitioner, but we suggest between $60 and $100 per hour to start. It normally takes extensive education to demand this kind of hourly wage, but this field is so new and exciting, you can earn this much and more... Can I charge less?Yes, and we are happy to see practitioners do this, especially with clients in need. As a practitioner you can set your own price schedule. In fact, some of our practitioners set a one time charge for two or more sessions and equipment rental. How do I get clients?We suggest that you start working with your friends and family. When you are successful working and gaining experience with them, they often pass your information on to others through word of mouth. In addition, we make it possible for you to hand out our promotional recording with your contact information.
Is this recognized by the AMA or FDA?No. Neither organization recognizes BioWaves Sound Therapy as a valid medical technique. BioWaves is simply helping you experiment and research this revolutionary technique. Why do some people who learn about this not decide to practice?Here are some of the reasons we've heard:
What is the easiest way to get started?We suggest that you start by purchasing the SEE Level 1 Home Study Course. This will introduce you to the field of sound therapy, and The Oneness Sound Assistant Software. After that, we suggest that you purchase the software system, and begin experimenting with yourself. Are there any guarantees?No. This is an experimental technique. Success depends on your attitude and commitment, and willingness to experiment and do whatever is necessary to help the client. Contact us if you have any questions about becoming a practitioner.
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